eBookstand Copyright Registration Form


(1) Title of this work:
(2) Previous or Alternative Titles:
(3) Publication as a Contribution:
    (a) Is this Publication was a contribution to a collective work, give the title of the collective work:
    (b) If this Publication was published as a periodical give the title, volume, number, issue date and the page numbers in which the publication appeared:

(4) Name of the Author:
  (a) Author's date of birth:
  (b) Author's date of death (if applicable):
  (c) Author's Citizenship:
  (d) Author's present address:
  (e) City, State, Zip Code

(5) Was the author's contribution to the work anonymous or pseudonymous?
  (Note: an author's contribution to a work is anonymous if that author is not identified on the copies or phonorecords of the work. An author's contribution to a work is "pseudonymous" if that author is identified on the copies or phonorecords under a fictitious name. If the work is anonymous you may state "anonymous" or give the author's true name. If the work is pseudonymous you may give the pseudonym and identify it as such (example: John Day, pseudonym) or reveal the author's name, making clear which is the real name and which is a pseudonym (for example, "John Day whose pseudonym is Joe Blow")

(6) Was the author's contribution a "work made for hire"?
  (Note: a "work made for hire" is defined as (1) "a work prepared by an employee within the scope of his or her employment"; or (2) " a work specially ordered or commissioned for use as a contribution to a collective work, as part of a motion picture or other audio visual work, as a translation, as a supplementary work, as a compilation, as an instructional text, as a test, as answer material for a test, or as an atlas, if the parties expressly agree in a written instrument signed by them that the works shall be considered a work made for hire. If you have answered "yes" that the work was made for hire, you must give the full legal name of the employer or other person for whom the work was prepared. You may also include the name of the employee along with the name of the employer (e.g. "Elster Publishing Co., employer for hire of John Ferguson").

(7) Nature of Authorship: Give a brief general statement of the nature of this particular author's contribution to the work. Examples: "Entire text"; "Co-author of entire text"; "Chapters 11-14"; "New text".)

(8) Year in which creation of this work was created:
(9) Date of first publication of this work:
(10) Nation where the work was first published:
(11) Copyright claimant(s): (Give this information even if different from the authors' information given in question 4 above.
    (a) Name(s) of all claimants:
    (b) Address(es) of all claimants:

(12) Explain how transfer of copyright ownership occurred if the authors in question 4 are different from the claimants listed in question 11. (e.g. if transfer occurred by written contract state "written contract):

(13) Has a previous registration for this work or for an earlier version of this work already been made in the Copyright office?     Yes____     No____
  (a) If your answer is "yes" why is another registration being sought? (check appropriate reason):
      (i) This is the first published edition of a work previously registered in unpublished form.
      (ii) This is the first application submitted by this author as copyright claimant.
      (iii) This is a changed version of the work.
  (b) If your answer is "yes" give the previous registration number and year of registration here:

(14) Identify any preexisting work or works that this work is based on or incorporates (if applicable):

(15) Give a brief , general statement of the material that has been added to this work and in which copyright is claimed (if applicable) :

(16) Correspondence: Please give the following information
  (a) Name and address where correspondence regarding this application should be sent:


Area code and phone number:

  Any question concerning copyrights should be directed to the office bellow.
  Please complete the above form and mail to the following address with a check for $199
  Law Offices of John P. Costello
Wong Legal Suite
331 J Street Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95814
  Telephone (916) 441-2234
  Fax (916) 922-8691
  Email: patents@cwnet.com

Final Note: A copyright registration takes approximately six months to issue under normal procedures. Your registration will be mailed to the correspondence address given.