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Deluxe and Basic Cover Art Templates

Each of our publishing packages include your choice of cover art template. Each template offers a different professionally created design. You will supply us with the text for the back cover and an author biography if you wish. Author photos are optional. If you choose to include one, the photo must be no larger than 2" by 3" at 300dpi. Each cover will include an ISBN bar code with the price embedded. If you prefer another image on the front cover, you can provide us with a high resolution image to insert.

Below we show you samples of the covers as they appear in trade paperback format. Please note that the hardcover dust jackets using the same templates, arrange the cover elements slightly differently. For example, the author photo appears on the inside back flap of the hardcover dust jacket, while the author photo appears on the back cover of the trade paperback.

The Jump Start Package is limited to the Basic Templates only as displayed with edited text.

If you have questions about the cover templates please contact us at

-- Click on image to see a larger version --

Deluxe Cover Template 1
Deluxe Cover Template 2

Deluxe Cover Template 3
Deluxe Cover Template 4

Deluxe Cover Template 5
Deluxe Cover Template 6
Deluxe Cover Template 7
Deluxe Cover Template 8

Deluxe Cover Template 9
Deluxe Cover Template 10

Deluxe Cover Template 11

Basic Cover Template 1
Basic Cover Template 2

Basic Cover Template 3
Basic Cover Template 4

Basic Cover Template 5
Basic Cover Template 6

Basic Cover Template 7
Basic Cover Template 8
Basic Cover Template 9
Basic Cover Template 10
Basic Cover Template 12
Basic Cover Template 13
Basic Cover Template 14
Basic Cover Template 15
Basic Cover Template 16



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