Making $$$ The Write Way A free eMagazine for writers of integrity *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ December 3, 2002 Volume 1 Number 6 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ To join our more than 3000 subscribers, and receive the FREE eBook, "So You Want to be a Travel Writer," click on: It's FREE! *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ In this issue: 1.) Letter From The Publisher---On The Home Front 2.) Ask an Expert/Questions and Answers 3.) COMP-ortunity of the week 4.) Online Success-Internet Marketing Tips and Strategies For Writers 5.) The Business of Writing by Duane Newcomb 6.) Editor's Pick/Reviews 7.) The Boast Post---Bragging Board of Writers Triumphs and Victories *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Making $$$ The Write Way eMagazine is a division of The Magnum Group ISSN pending. Copyright 2002 Write Spirit Publishing. All rights reserved. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Start Comping today by purchasing our best selling eBook: "BEEN THERE---COMPED THAT!" Free Travel, Dining, and Entertainment, All for the Cost of Some Ink Available at: *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~ On The Home Front Carmel L. Mooney It's official now. It's December. The frenzy is on. Crowds, parking fiascos, bills, demands, cooking, parties, in-laws, wrapping, entertaining, "some-assembly required" (you parents all know what that means ;)---how will you survive? Well, we all have our little coping mechanisms. I have several, but in terms of writing-related, time-saving ideas. I have a few. Although your time may be a bit limited the next few weeks with all the hustle and bustle, why not carve out a few minutes to pamper the writer within? It's not impossible; it just takes planning. I've been escaping the stress these last few cold evenings by reading a good novel in bed that gives me some inspiration for how I want to develop my characters and plot in one of my novels in progress. I've also been doing "mind-writing." While I'm busy running here or there, I mentally create how my novel will progress so that when I do have more time after the holidays, I can write away. How to find time? Well, try when the computer is booting or defragging, while driving, in the bathroom, in a waiting room, in line at the mall, or late at night in front of a cozy fire and sparkling Christmas tree. Wherever you go this season, take a pocket notepad, a mini tape recorder, or a palm computer, and use every minute you can to escape into your own little world of query ideas, brainstorming, plot planning, or idea recording. While you are out gift shopping, treat yourself to a new journal, a good book on writing, or a special pen. Nurture the writer within, and a little of the holiday stress will be lessened. Joy, wonder, blessings, health, holiday cheer, and COMP-liments to all, Carmel *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~ This week's newest COMP-ortunity Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Website: Address: 400 Beach Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Phone: 831 423-5590 Contact: Jan Bollwinkel-Smith Location: On the Coast of California, in the beach town of Santa Cruz, approximately 40 minutes from San Jose, CA, and bordering the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Description: The only major seaside amusement park on the West Coast. Features two national historic landmark rides, games, roller coasters, arcades, restaurants, miniature golf, bowling, and family entertainment Coverage desired: History, entertainment, travel, tourism, family activities and destination. Prefers writers with: any professional writers, clips, or letter of assignment appreciated. Possible comp: Comped rides and attractions, press kit, assistance with obtaining comped accommodations in the area through a partnership with the local visitor's council. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~ "Ask a Pro" Publishing/Comping/Writing Q&A "Your Questions---You Always Wanted To Ask," answered by professional writing consultant/coach/instructor, Carmel L. Mooney To ask Carmel a writing, publishing, or comping question, email her at: Questions may be edited for length or content if necessary. Question: Should I approach a comp first and write the story around the comp; or should I query the publication first and get a commitment from them before contacting an appropriate comp? I have no commitments from any publications at this time. J. Griffin, Roseville, CA Answer: Ethics and integrity first, of course. If you have an ongoing relationship with a publication that allows you to write for them, nearly anything you pitch, then mention your idea to them and set up the comp. If you are 99.9% certain you can sell it somewhere in a reasonable amount of time, then set up the comp first. If in doubt, get the assignment first. I have never set up a comp, taken a trip, and then been unable to sell the story somewhere. If this happened, you could then turn your comped adventure in to an eBook ( offers many short 5 page+ travel guides). With eBooks, you can put yourself on assignment and know you can write about the comp. I explain this further in my book, Been There---Comped That. Available at: To ask Carmel a writing, publishing, or comping question, email her at: Carmel Mooney is also available by phone and/or email for private consultation, editing, and coaching. Carmel has helped hundreds of writers achieve writing and publishing success. Email her at: or call her at: 916-205-4763 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~ Internet Marketing Tips and Strategies For Writers How to sell your publications online by Hazel Nieves, Our E-business Marketing Expert and Consultant Your Seven-Step, One-Day Marketing Plan Step 2 - Understand Your Customer Knowing your customer intimately is the first step to easy sales. Until you know (1) who your customers are, (2) what they want, and (3) what motivates them to buy, you can't prepare an effective marketing plan. Now, don't confuse "wants" with "needs." People don't necessarily buy what they need, buy they'll most always buy what they want. For instance, have you ever known someone that went to the store to buy a pair of pants that they needed and came back with a new shirt, sweater, and shoes? Or how about the everyday shopper who goes into the supermarket to buy some milk and eggs and comes out with a frozen pizza, cheesecake, and other goodies? People will buy what they want (even if they don't have the money!), not what they need. And yes, this applies across the board on all income levels. To really get to know your customers you'll need to ask yourself questions such as: - How does my potential customer normally buy similar products or services (i.e. in a store, on the web, door-to-door)? - Who is the primary buyer and the primary buying influencer in the purchasing process (i.e. husband or wife, purchasing agent, project leader, secretary)? - What kind of habits does my customer have? For instance, where do they get their information (i.e. television, newspapers, the Internet, magazines)? - What are my target customer's primary motivations for buying (i.e. look good, avoid pain, get rich, be healthy, be popular etc.) - What areas do my target customer's primary experience the greatest dissatisfaction in? (i.e. product performance, the sales process, support or billing, convenience.) Step 3 - Pick a Niche If you say that your target customer is "everybody" then nobody will be your customer. The marketplace is jam packed with competition. You'll have more success jumping up and down in a small puddle than a big ocean. Carve out a specific niche and dominate that niche, then you might consider moving on to a second niche (but not before you've dominated the first one!). For example, you could be a "lawyer that specializes in child accident liability" or a "C.P.A. for used car dealers" or a "dry cleaner for the greater Pilot Hill area." You get the picture right? Don't forget to make sure to choose a niche that interests you and that is easy enough for you to reach or contact. I can't stress this point enough. There's nothing more destructive than to pick a niche that you can't communicate or identify with or that you don't really enjoy. Step 4 - Develop Your Marketing Message Your marketing message not only tells your prospects what you do, but persuades them to become your customers. You should develop two types of marketing messages. Your first marketing message should be short and to the point. Some may call this your elevator speech or your audio logo. It's your response to someone who asks you, "So, what do you do?" The second type is your complete marketing message that will be included in all your marketing materials and promotions. To make your marketing message compelling and persuasive it should include the following elements: - An explanation of your target prospect's problem. - Proof that the problem is so important that it should be solved now, without delay. - An explanation about why you are the only person/business that can solve your prospects problem. - An explanation of the benefits people will receive from using your solution. - Examples and testimonials from customers you have helped with similar problems. - An explanation about prices, fees, and payment terms. - Your unconditional guarantee. ***Don't miss next week's PART THREE, of Hazel's series: Your Seven- Step, One-Day Marketing Plan ---Hazel Nieves, expert on Internet Marketing and Online business success is owner of Web Development Company, Sierra Technology Solutions, Inc. She has 20 years experience in sales, marketing, and technology and is a committed crusader in helping take the confusion out of taking your business online. You can Contact Hazel at 530-367-2915 or Special Offer! Writers Special E-biz Website Package Turn-key Package Includes: *5 Custom Pages *Shopping Cart (up to 10 products) *Secure Server *One year hosting service *Uses your own domain *Up to 15 Email accounts *Attractive Professional designs to choose from *Copyright Statement page Special Price: $ 600.00 complete Get started today with your Affordable Professional E-business website here: Learn more from Hazel at: *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~ The Business of Writing by Duane Newcomb The Law of the Income Cycle The main complaint article writers have is that their income is sporadic; they simply can't count on it. That's true for many writers, but it doesn't have to be that way. Years ago I stumbled on the fact that article income cannot only be controlled but it can be predicted. This is based on the premise that you have undergone an article apprenticeship. That is you have studied the magazines, found a few you work with regularly and have started turning these articles out steadily. I learned this from another writer who had honed it to an art form. It is based on the fact that once you start putting articles in the pipeline, you have triggered a giant cycle. This takes awhile to build, but once you get it started you can be assured that most articles will produce a check. That means you can easily figure out how many articles you have to send out every month to generate the income you want. In my case, I was sending out articles to trade journals and what I called picture shorts. That is, all trade magazines run picture- merchandising tips every month. Since I was in the stores every month I made sure I sent in quite a few of these. At that time I needed $2000 a month, and each of my articles averaged about $180.00, I figured I must send in about 15 articles a month plus some picture shorts. The problem is that 10 articles won't produce a 10-article income every month. You would be paid for 6 some months, and 15 other months creating a feast or famine. I got around this by using overkill. That is if I needed 12 articles, I would send in 15 or 16. This helped to average things out. You can generate this kind of income with trade journals and many smaller magazines including those in the travel field. The trick is, of course, to build your magazine clients systematically. But I, and many of my writing friends, have used this system for years with good results. It takes a little time to work out the kinks, but it works well in the long run. When I started writing books I thought I could create the same kind of cycle. It never worked. The reason: Magazine editors hold their jobs for years; many book editors play musical chairs with theirs. Your editor for a book may not be there in six months. This means you can build a relationship with magazine editors to the point where they give you many assignments. But I was never able to do this in the book field. With one exception, I had a different publisher for every book. However, the magazine income cycle works well once a group of magazines knows who you are. Try it, and see what you think. ---Duane Newcomb is a literary consultant with 36 non-fiction books to his credit, over 5000 articles and more than 150 client books in print. He has taught article and non-fiction book courses at numerous colleges,universities and writer's conferences across the United States. He welcomes new clients that need a manuscript evaluated. ***Duane's Professional Author Newsletter is a free monthly newsletter that is full of tips and techniques for writing, finding a publisher and publicizing your book. It is the writer's ultimate helper. Subscribe at For writing information, visit his Writing web site at Purchase his writing guides at *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~ Editor's Pick Book, Magazine, Website, and e-Book Review by Victoria Beninga, Editor This week's review: The Professional Author Newsletter Our own Duane Newcomb, who writes our very informative column "The Business of Writing," has his very own newsletter. It's called "The Professional Author Newsletter." I highly recommend subscribing to this newsletter. You can get Mr. Newcomb's newsletter sent monthly to your e-mail, along with occasional supplements. The e-mail version is free. If you prefer a hard copy mailed to your home, the cost is $19 per year. Duane Newcomb is a real die-hard writer and a good role model for those of us who constantly need to overcome those character-building obstacles that seem to occur while we're trying to write. Recently he was laid up in the hospital with a broken leg and a hip broken in 4 places. He had gone out to reset his sprinkler. While running from the water, he lost his balance and fell onto his driveway. Did he let this hospital stay stop him from writing? Absolutely not. He just did his writing from his hospital bed. "The Professional Author Newsletter" is packed with informative, motivational articles. For example, the November 2002 issue consisted of 9 pages of articles, including "Book Proposal 101," "Talk Show Facts," Get a Marketing Evaluation," "For Article Writers," "The Question and Answer Corner," and "Clear Writing Tips." There is much more to this newsletter, so please give it a try. To subscribe for the e-mail version, e-mail Mr. Newcomb at . If you prefer a hard copy in the mail, send a check, for $19.00 to Newcomb & Newcomb, P. O. Box 190, Penn Valley, CA 95946. Victoria Beninga, Travel author/columnist/Associate Editor eBook, RV PACKING SIMPLIFIED, available at: *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~ The Boast Post Don't be modest—we applaud you! Whether it's an assignment victory, a publishing accomplishment, comp, or a writing goal achieved, we'd love to hear it. Please include your full name or initials, and your city and state. Send your boast in 75 words or less to: (may be edited for length or content) For travel writers---my latest writing accomplishment: "How to Capture Great Travel and Adventure Photographs - Right in Your Own Backyard." Hone your camera skills at home (someone else's travel destination), before taking that once-in-a-lifetime dream vacation. This eBook makes a great gift too! Available at: Sherri M., Auburn, CA *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Coming Soon/Around the Corner: -Guidelines, rules, topic, and prize listings for the upcoming winter writing contest Carmel Mooney's Upcoming Writing and Publishing Classes/seminars: 1/11 Making Money The Write Way Seminar/Intensive-Part One, Auburn, CA (Making Money The Write Way For Magazines and Newspapers in the morning and Travel Writing and Comped Travel in the afternoon.) 1/18 Making Money The Write Way Seminar/Intensive-Part Two, Auburn, CA (Writing and Selling eBooks and Print on Demand Publishing in the morning and Freelance Writing for the Internet in the afternoon.) (These intensive full day seminars combine Carmel's most popular courses and are designed specially for those individuals serious about Making Serious Money as a Writer NOW)---to learn more or to register go to: Or call; 530-823-7075 These other weekday evening and weekend seminars are at various organizations throughout California. You may email Carmel at for specifics on registering: 3/9 Ebooks/Print on Demand, Always Learning, Elk Grove, CA 3/23 Travel Writing/Comped Travel, Always Learning, Elk Grove, CA 3/24 Ebooks/Print on Demand, Placer School for Adults, Auburn, CA 3/29 Effective Business Writing, Sierra College, Rocklin, CA 3/31 Travel Writing/Comped Travel, PSA, Auburn, CA 4/5 Ebooks/Print on Demand, Sierra College, Rocklin, CA 4/12 Ebooks/Print on Demand & Travel Writing, Butte College, Chico, CA 4/26 Travel Writing/Comped Travel, Learning Exchange, Sacramento, CA *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ It's FREE---List your inn, resort, restaurant, entertainment venue, business, or destination seeking written coverage---contact the publisher at: *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Making $$$ The Write Way eMagazine TO SUBSCRIBE: Send an e-mail with "subscribe" as the subject to: TO UNSUBSCRIBE: Send an e-mail with "unsubscribe" as the subject to: *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Write Spirit Publishing P.O. Box 3405 Auburn, CA 95604 Contact us at: We welcome your comments/suggestions/requests/contributions Carmel L. Mooney, Publisher Victoria Beninga, Associate Editor Should the links we provide not work, this may mean your E-mail program doesn't like our code. If this occurs, please go directly to our current online issue at: You may freely distribute this eMag to friends, discussion lists, and writing groups as long as the issue is included in it's entirety. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~