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Add a Custom Photo to Cover Template (Jump
Start Pkg)
Add a custom photo of your choice to any
of our basic cover templates. The photo
must be at least 300 dpi for best results.
This can be a photo for the front cover,
or an author photo for the back cover.
If you want to both, you will need to
purchase two of this item. Jump Start
Package Only.

Upgrade Cover Template to Deluxe (Jump
Start Pkg):
Choose from any Deluxe cover templates
instead of the Basic cover template choices.
Jump Start Package Only.

Custom Cover Art Design and Creation:
Provide us with a sample or your ideas
for your cover art and our artists will
create it. This service does not include
commercial artwork that may need to be
purchased such as stock photo art.

Custom Illustrations (interior or cover)
- Per Hour Charge:
If you need custom art work or illustrations
we will connect you to an artist that
will bring your concept to life using
various mediums from sketches, water color,
oil, digital, etc.

Graphics Image Touch Up (per image)
Resize or crop an image for the book cover
or interior

Image Cropping and Insertion into Book
File (per image)
Resize or crop an image for the book interior
and insert into book block

Upsize Paperback Cover Art to Dust Jacket
Create a dust jacket from a previously
designed paperback cover

Our extra services are broken
down into four categories for ease of shopping.
Please click the links below to view the services: